Being an okay runner, I appreciate the wealth of information provided by websites like Strava and Runkeeper. What's missing however, is the ability to see your fastest sectionals during a run. Strava, for instance, will tell you if you put in a top three sectional but we can't go putting in effort runs every day of the week!

So satisfying that desire, I borrowed (and adapted) from Roy van Rijn, hacking together some code which seems to work.

Should be pretty straightforward to use. Go to your run on Strava (or wherever), and export the GPX file. Click on the button below to load the file, and you should get presented with the fastest time you did for a bunch of sectionals (in hh:mm:ss). Let me know if there's any other sectionals you'd like added. Might add some charting in due course because it's a little basic looking at the moment.

Have only tested on Chrome so no guarantees it will work on your machine. Also note that your GPX file is only loaded into memory, and doesn't get uploaded anywhere.

15 March 2022: Now with TCX support!